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We care about our nature and try to protect our future with our sustainability policy to reduce our carbon footprint.

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Our Sustainability Policy

To continuously improve our business in environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health and safety issues,
To support the elimination of poverty by creating employment opportunities without discrimination of religion, language, race, age and culture,
To ensure the reduction of waste and prevent waste through safe food production under the roof of our business,
To provide safe foods by taking care of the healthy and balanced nutrition of our guests and employees,
To carry out regular health checks and training of our employees within the scope of occupational health and safety studies.
To employ our educated employees in positions appropriate to their education, to support our employees who are continuing their education or who want to receive education,
To adopt the elimination of all kinds of gender discrimination as a fundamental human right and to act in accordance with gender equality in all our activities towards all our employees and guests,
To act in accordance with water safety criteria and reduce water consumption per person, to conduct regular water analyzes and routine checks in our facilities, to ensure that it is sent to the wastewater line,
To reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing renewable energy sources in our activities and new investments in our facilities,
To take care that all our renewed equipment consists of materials that consume less energy and are environmentally friendly,
To contribute to the healthy growth of the global economy, especially locally and nationally, in all activities of our facilities,
To follow technological advances closely and make adaptation a principle,
Always keeping the principle of "Equal Workload, Equal Pay" at the forefront among our employees,
To do our part to protect natural areas and our cultural heritage,
Creating a good Waste Plan in our business and ensuring that our waste is disposed of by licensed companies,
To inform our guests and employees in order to ensure the efficient use of our natural resources,
To work to reduce and monitor our Carbon Footprint resulting from our activities in our facilities, and in this context, to protect our guests, employees and individuals around us by using public transportation, bicycles, etc. To encourage the use of vehicles that do not create exhaust emissions,
To raise awareness among our employees through drills against natural disasters that come with climate change,
To ensure the continuity of Blue Flag criteria on our coast, to protect the habitats of marine creatures and to work to create a healthy breeding environment,
To protect the ecological system in the terrestrial areas of our facilities, to ensure the protection and sustainability of the natural life around us by monitoring invasive species,
To have an effective management principle based on peace, stability, human rights and the rule of law,
To act together and share with our stakeholders, with whom we have all kinds of activities and interactions for sustainability,


Our Sustainable Purchasing Policy

With our sustainable procurement approach, our goal is; to ensure that our suppliers and all our business partners support sustainable tourism, 
to establish mutual trust, effective communication, and partnerships with our suppliers, 
focusing on long-term relationships,
embracing the principle of mutual benefit to provide high-quality products and services, 
and to operate in accordance with the principles of 'Fair Trade' and 'Equal Opportunity' in our procurement of products and services for our business.
Contributing to the development of the region and local production
by preferring local products and service providers.
The imported products are procured only if there are no local alternatives available 
or if the local alternatives are not of the expected quality.
To ensure the procurement of products and services with the desired quality, quantity, and timing 
under the most favorable conditions by conducting effective market research, 
To prefer suppliers who meet their legal obligations and the requirements of occupational health and safety for their employees.
To prefer suppliers who have no harmful impact on the environment, who comply with legal regulations, 
who has got an Environmental Management System or hold internationally recognized certification.
To prefer recyclable disposable and consumable materials in our procurement processes. 
To carefully manage the procurement of disposable and consumable goods, including food, to minimize waste.
To prefer environmentally friendly, economical, 
recyclable, and recycled materials in the products we procure,
To prefer suppliers who comply with national and international laws 
regarding child labor and who do not hinder children's education,
To prefer suppliers who pay attention to wildlife, animal rights, and the conservation of natural habitats,
To prefer suppliers whose terms for employees comply with national and international regulations 
and who value human rights,
To avoid situations that allow bribery, corruption, or conflicts of interest when selecting suppliers, 
To protect the intellectual property rights of our business partners, and to operate in accordance with legal regulations and commercial ethical standards in all areas,
To prefer locally sourced and culturally significant products during the procurement process to strengthen our country's socioeconomic structure and to promote its culture,



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