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Our Quality Policy

Alaiye Resort & Spa Hotel Our Quality Policies

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At Alaiye Resort & Spa Hotel, we are an institution that aims to "continuous improvement" with the belief that we can always do better by providing an environment suitable for the conditions. To ensure maximum satisfaction by determining the expectations and needs of guests, employees, suppliers and third parties in advance, to ensure that everyone can reach us with their complaints at any time and to protect their rights, to provide safe and halal food for guests, employees, suppliers and third parties and to protect the environment. We undertake to carry out all activities related to sustainability and to fulfill the applicable conditions of the Integrated Quality Management System. We constantly measure and improve our service quality and satisfaction.

We never compromise on quality service by meeting the needs and expectations of guests, employees, suppliers and third parties to the highest level with the service we offer in a time when the facilities offered by hotels are so close to each other.
By complying with the legal requirements regarding all our activities and working in line with international standards, we aim to become a leading hotel in Turkey and a recognized hotel in the world. In our business, we produce and present healthy, hygienic and halal foods in accordance with food safety laws and hygiene standards during the raw material purchasing, storage, preparation and presentation stages of food.
In order to minimize the risks that may endanger the health and safety of guests, employees, suppliers and third parties and to prevent work accidents, all our processes are constantly improved and the latest technologies are followed.
It is our indispensable rule that our employees are educated, human rights are protected and they benefit from equal rights regardless of religion, language or race.
With the importance we attach to teamwork and education, our peaceful working environment, love, respect and trust for each other and the service we provide, we ensure that our employees feel as privileged as our guests.
In order to protect the environment we live in and to ensure the necessity of sustainable tourism; We comply with the laws, regulations, legislation and regulations published regarding the environment in force in our country and fully fulfill all requirements.
While carrying out our purchasing activities, we determine their impact on the environment, control the negative effects, possible hazards and our waste, and strive to minimize the use of natural resources, energy consumption, air, water and soil pollution.
We ensure that environmental awareness is adopted not only by our employees, but also by guests, employees, suppliers, third parties and competent authorities, and we contribute to the production of environmental protection projects by collaborating with local governments, supplier companies and non-governmental organizations. We take all necessary precautions to provide high quality service, provide employment, protect and enrich natural life in the places we are located, and share with the public all the activities we do to protect our environment.
Savunmasız Gruplar Ve Çocuk Hakları Politikamız

Otellerimizin turizm de bölgedeki öncü kuruluşlardan biri olmamızın verdiği bilinç ve sorumlulukla çocuklar ve savunmasız gruplar da dâhil olmak üzere tüm misafirlerimizi eşit kabul ederek insan hakları ve çocuk haklarının tüm şartlarını eksiksiz yerine getirmeyi hedeflemekteyiz

Savunmasız Gruplar Ve Çocuk Hakları Politikamız


ALAİYE HOTELS şartlarına uygun bir ortam sağlanarak her zaman daha iyisini yapabileceğimiz inancıyla kendimize “sürekli iyileştirmeyi” amaç edinmiş bir kurumuz.

İnsan Hakları Politikamız

Alaiye Resort & Spa Hotel olarak; Fazla çalışanı ve tüm paydaşları ile birlikte İnsan Hakları’nın tüm boyutlarına saygı duyar ve bununla sınırlı olmamakla beraber Birleşmiş Milletler Küresel İlkeler Sözleşmesi’nin, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin, İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’nin, OECD Çokuluslu İşletmeler Genel İlkeleri’nin ve Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü (ILO) Küreselleşme için Sosyal Adalet Bildirgesi’nin tüm maddelerini kabul ve taahhüt eder.

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